Current Version:
CodeHaggis 1.2  

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CodeHaggis is an eclipse code generation plugin for java, which depends on the CodeSugar plugin from Vova Grechka and Miguel Griffa. The last update to that plugin was made more than two years ago. So I made some changes and updates to CodeSugar. I call the developers, but nobody answers my mail. Now I think this project is dead, but it is too good to decline it, so I decided to make a fork from that project.
CodeHaggis supports code generation, with clone, compareTo, equals, toString, serialVersionUID, hashCode methods, etc. It does not have dependencies to other projects and has a console file logger and a specific get/set generation. Additionally you can print java source code in a colored form with linux.


CodeHaggis has the following functionalities:

Automated code generation of
Additionally the Creation of

Some Editor Functionalities:


The usage is very easy:

  1. For the clone, compareTo, equals, hashCode, toString and serialVersionUID, you have to choose an Editor View or a class in the Package Explorer or a class or field in the Outline View.

  2. To enable the Console Logger, you have to choose the Console Logger push button. After that, it is enabled, it logs the console output into a file. Its file name and path is specified in the Prefernce Page.

  3. To print colored source code with linux, you have to install the htmldoc software to your distribution or something similar, which makes a pdf or ps file from a html source. In debian you can get this software package with apt. First I tried to use html2ps, but it makes a terrible output in black and white.


Download the ziped CodeHaggis file from the Sourceforge download page and unpack it. The directory in the plugin folder has to be moved into the ../ecipse/plugins/ directory. Close and restart your eclipse instance and voila, that's all. Now, I hope, you can see a "Haggis" entry in your context menu.

Change Log since CodeSugar

CodeHaggis change.log.

Similar Projects

This projects are quite similar to the CodeHaggis Plugin. But Commons4e and Commonclipse depend and need alien libraries for their function.
